

Hi there! I just got back from the optometrist, and lucky me, was told that I have an infection in my right eye. (woohoo…) Now, apparently I received that infection from a pair of contacts. If you know me, you know that I’m more often than not, sporting a pair of glasses. Reason A; I’m usually working at home, so don’t have the need to wear contacts, and B; I’ve got super, crazy dry-eyes, resulting in, me + contacts for more than, let’s high-ball, 8hrs = a bad time. What about eye surgery, you ask? Forget about it. Why? A; I’m scared,  and B; well, for the most part, it’s because I’m scared. Once again, if you know me, to understand that I’m fearful of a little eye surgery is quite hilarious coming from the girl who once had over 30+ piercings in all places of the body, and is currently getting a backpiece to accompany the already uncounted amounts of tattoos placed all over. Yes, frightened. Like a little girl. I’m quite aware that the whole procedure takes literally seconds, but there’s something about my eye being held open while a laser comes at it. Makes me shiver every time.


Alright, back to what I was initially here to write about. Glasses! How do you guys feel about them? I find sometimes they’re that extra missing piece to an outfit. With the right frames, you can make your features totally pop out. Numerous styles and colors to choose from. I, personally, am partial to the cateye. I’ve always had an attachment to that particular look. I’d love to hear what your thoughts are and what frames you fancy! Along with that, I’ve provided a few pictures, for both men and women, that I have a preference for. Enjoy! (p.s. Those clear ones are my FAV! Definitely a pair I need to look for ;))


Women’s: American Apparel red eyeglass, $96 / Clear, square Cat eye eyeglass, $99 / Honey Badger black eyeglass, $100 / Oliver Peoples tortoise shell eyeglass, $345 / Men’s: All by Warby Parker eyeglass for $96

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